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![]() Search Not Posted - Found 2 March 2002
Dear Joan,
Thank You again for your help. The last address was OK and it was for the Peter Coultham I was looking for. Have just spent 30 minutes on phone to him. Meeting up in summer when he comes down to see his Niece.
Thanks again for your quick responses.
![]() Found 14 January 2002
Austin Henry DOWSE
Betty Atkin was searching for Austin and I have been able to put her in touch with Austin's family.
![]() Contacted by letter 25 January 2002 - Concluded same day
Rosemary searching for platonic friend who had sent a worrying letter to her 3 years ago. Traced to Sidmouth within one hour of search being initialised.
![]() Found 8 December 2001 - Search started 30 November 2001
Betty COLE
Bridie Jackson wrote to me asking to find her friend Betty who she had lost touch with in the 80's. They were friends when they both lived in Stanford le Hope.
![]() Found 3 December 2001 - the day I received the letter
Winifred BISHOP
Marg Patterson wrote to me from Canada to ask if I could find her friend and ex-schoolteacher Winifred. They had been corresponding for 40 years and suddenly the letters stopped about 3 years ago. I traced Winifred to a Nursing Home in Bristol and found she had suffered a stroke. They are now corresponding again after Marg rang the nursing home to check on Winifred.
![]() Found December 2001
Thank you for giving me exactly what you set out to do, the best Christmas present that you possibly could. Thanks to you I found the friend who I have not seen for 25 years. The Tricia programme had found her for me but couldn't contact her so they wanted me to wait until the new year to appear on the show and be reunited with her. I, on the other hand, have been looking for Brenda for most of those 25 years and it was important to me that knowing she was out there, I contact her before Christmas. Thanks to you I was able to do that, I talked with her yesterday (13 December) for an hour and a half on the telephone and she really too had wanted to find me. Throughout the missing years we have both re-lived out moments of hilarity together, moments still recollected by our children as well as ourselves. We have lots of things to catch up on but this has been made possible only by you and I can't thank you enough. Brenda and I both admitted that there have been times when we have really needed each other to talk to and, in Brenda's case, she feels that she needs me now, we are both so grateful to you. If we do appear on the Tricia programme as we have decided that is is only fair to Anglia television to go through with it now, please try to watch it and know that all the gratitude which we have is really for you. I wish you yourself the happiest Christmas that you could possibly have.
Thank you over and over again.
with love from
![]() Found November 2001
Jasmin Watters for her friend Rowena Parsons. Schoolfriends that lost touch.
![]() Found November 2001
Clifford GREER
Hi Joan,
Thanks very much for your reply - one of the people you sent me was the man I was looking for and the other was his son!! I've been searching for my friend for 40 years.
![]() Found October 2001
thank you so much for helping me find my old friend.
hayley x
![]() Found 2 September 2001
Started search 1 September 2001
Henry POHL
Sandra Brennand wanted to surprise her brother, Stephen Stone, who was coming to the UK from Australia in 2002. She had written to someone with the same surnames in the Bristol area and one particular Mrs Pohl (no relation) asked me to help. Sandie was trying to find her brother's old school friend Henry Pohl that went to school with him in 1953. The next day I had delivered by hand a letter to Henry's home. Henry contacted me and is pleased to be in touch with his school mate from many years ago.
![]() Found September 2001
Thank you so much - they still live in the same house and I have called Roxy and had a long chat. I am going to visit them soon, and can't thank you enough!!!
![]() Found August 2001
Marie & Jack GERRARD
Dear Linda
One friend found and very happy to know you are looking for her. I have just been speaking to Marie and she is gobsmacked. Both her and Jack are still in Stoke on Trent. Marie has asked me to tell you she will be away from Friday until Sunday evening so if you pick this email up quickly then you may get to speak to her before they go away.
![]() Found July 2001
Marigold & Leslie MARSH
Rita Lawes searching for the above friends. Now reunited.
![]() Found July 2001
Anthony Conner HANLEY
Thank You Thank You Thank You I have been looking for this person for months and finally a break through. You are a complete star and I will never forget this. I will contact you again and tell you if I find any other information and tell you how I am getting on. Thank you again.
Message posted on Missing You - 29 June 2001
Dear Anthony. your auntie Mrs Wilkinson would very much like to speak to you again as she has not spoken to you in such a long time. She is living in a Residential Home. I'm her Warden. Please get in contact because currently she is very ill. Susan Gould
![]() Found July 2001
Hi Joan
Just wanted to take the time to thank you for your help. I am living in Canada and appreciate the help in locating John Helps.
![]() Found July 2001
Thanks ever so much. I am sure we will have a wonderful reunion with my cousin, thanks to you!
Stu and Pat
![]() Found July 2001
Patricia MILLARD
Bestest ever friends from childhood. When I contacted Pat she cried and told me of all the happy times they had together and the things they got up to. I could tell they both missed each other terribly over the years.
Latest from Pat
"Dear Joan we havent stopped talking" love Pat
Trying to contact a Patricia Millard Nee Heaton Lived on Park Lane Tottenham In the 50's. Moved to Cheshunt. Married Edward Millard (Ted) in the 70's, had one son Edward in 1973. Lost contact in 1980 I know she moved to Womanswold near Dover think they owned a hotel there. I live in Canada and would love to find her.
Barbara Charles (Gadd)
![]() Found June 2001
Gillian BARR
thank you very much i recieved your email on thursday 14th june i wrote and sent a letter to the address on friday 15th june and today saturday 16th june my freind gillian barr phoned me on reciept of my letter thank you very very much for your help it is much appreciated.
![]() Found 18 June 2001
Hi Joan:
Thank you so much for the G. W. Wheatley address in Surrey and it was the right one! Yesterday morning (Sunday) before we went to church, we had a wonderful conversation that lasted over half-an-hour attempting to cover as much as possible of what has happened since 1959. Impossible -- but I am still so excited and as we promised Geoff, we will be writing to him and Doris a long, newsy letter with photographs. Plans are already being made by us about the number of "new old friends" we shall be meeting in 2002.
Regarding GW . . . we are going to visit him, along with some other old workmates one evening next May or June. Pictures must be taken and even better a video. There are some old schoolchums of mine to meet again and Anne has located and spoken to some old friends from the mid-50's. And we still have searches on-going! Where will it end? Once again, many thanks. Yesterday is a real memory moment. Just to make you feel good . . . its 1:00 p.m. and the temperature is 100 degrees, not a cloud in the sky with a nice breeze.
God bless,
Pat and Anne
![]() Found May 2001
Dear John
Chris has just got back from the Maldives after getting married. As I guessed he was in Horsham. He would love to be in touch with you again.
John Moscovis message
Searching for Chris Hodnett, was/is married to Liz. Ran pubs in London and was very good to me when I was in London when I was an Aussie abroad.
![]() Found May 2001
Rita & Robert DAVIDSON
Dear Joan,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! Yes it is them and we phoned them last night, much to their amazement. Still can't believe it's true. They were wonderful people to us when we were in UK 30 years ago & now our 2 kids can visit them as they are in England. It's just so wonderful. Thank you so much.
Julie & Neville
![]() Found April 2001 - this email received September 2001
My first go at playing Cupid.
Hi Joan
Back in April of this year you helped me in finding an old boy friend I had met while in England in 1972 - Ken Nicholson. Since Ken & I have been reunited a lot has happened, he came to Canada in May. I went to England in July, just thought I would let you know the best part - Ken & I are getting married 13 October 2001 in England.
Thanks again so much
![]() Found April 2001
Search Posted 3 January 2001
Joan, this is to let you know that Mary Cassidy's brother Michael phoned us on Sat the 28th of April. I had sent a letter to each of the Michael Cassidy that you sent me and so it led to us getting Mary's state side address and phone number. Thank you very much for your help.
Sincerely, Joan Byrne
![]() Found 22 April 2001
Search commenced 21 April 2001
Dave, a colleage of mine in Arizona passed this search to me. Iveta Trojankova was searching for Simon, an old friend of hers.
![]() Found April 2001
I was searching for a long lost buddy, Geoff (Paddy) Baynham from County Cork. I was stationed with him at RAF Bruggen in 1970-1972.
![]() Found 21 March 2001
Robert Fletcher contacted me by telephone asking if I could find his friend Roger that he last had contact with in 1966. Whilst we were talking on the phone I told him I thought I had found him and gave him a contact phone number. Within the hour Robert had come back to me to say I was spot on and that they would be meeting up in the summer.
![]() Found March 2001
Just wanted to thank you for finding and giving me the addresses for the name Crowder in Huddersfield. You gave me three and I got two replies, one of them being from Mike's daughter. We've now corresponded. Again, Thanks a bunch.
Carl Jackson
![]() Found February 2001
Search Posted: 28 May 2000
Natasha and maybe Nicola and Nancy CAMIAH
Searching for Natasha Camiah (or her sisters) - last known of living/working in Russia-aged about 32. Natasha is of mixed parentage - half Mauritian/half Polish. We met aged 10 living in Peterborough (she had already lived in a number of countries before I met her) then she left with her mother and sister to go to Zimbabwe, then moved to Greece then back to U.K There she studied (can speak several) languages in Derbyshire University. Her sisters were last known of living in Islington London UK.
![]() Found February 2001
Terri's search now concluded - she has been in touch with her friend.
![]() Found 22 February 2001 - same day find
Edna & Maurice
Found and reunited, two sweethearts that lost touch in 1938. They have spoken over the telephone and reminisced at length about old times. They are both extremely happy to be back in touch. They have asked for their names not to be disclosed.
![]() Found January 2001 by another researcher
Search Posted: 29 June 2000
Approx age: 40
Mother: actress Penny Butler
Simon attended King James's College (Henley on Thames) and then Lampeter University, last seen 20 years ago in Leicester Square, London. Last location for his parents is believed to be in the Lake District, where they retired to. My oldest best friend, attended 6th form college with him, and his parents gave me a room to live in at their house (which was in 1980 in Henley on Thames). Simon then vanished without trace, and I temporarily moved overseas. I have always wanted to renew our friendship, but have never known how!
![]() Found January 2001
Tina HUTCHENCE (sister of Michael Hutchence)
Susan Hawkyard (nee Rainbow) was great friends with Tina and remembers babysitting Michael when she lived in Hong Kong. I didn't have a married name for Tina so decided to search the net for a way of contacting Tina and Michael's family. I eventualy made contact with Kell Hutchence, Tina's father, who emailed me Tina's details.
![]() Found in January before the message being placed:
Mary - reunited with Matthew Geare.
![]() Found 10 January 2001 - after someone sent a response to the message I placed
Search Posted : 29 May 2000
Message from JAPAN. I'm looking for Jane Millard who was married to David Millard. She used to live in Gretton (near Cheltenham, Glos). Possibly lives in Bishops Cleeve. She is/was a hairdresser and has two sons Andrew (27) & Stewart (25). I stayed with her 10yrs ago. I've been looking for her for about 3-4yrs please contact to me if you know her!
Noriko Ohno
![]() Found January 2001
Martin Pinaud was searching for Lee Havinga. Now reunited.
![]() Found October 2000 by others
Searching for Kenneth, last known in Halifax, Yorkshire. Has an ex-wife Lynn and 2 children Rhonda and Aiden. Was in Merchant Navy with Pete Smith in the 70's.
![]() Found 18 July 2000
Susan Rainbow
I read the Email from Joan Allan in total disbelief, "Call me Susan has made Contact" that moment Joan had brought together 2 people who had no idea where each other was for 32 years...a search that took barely 3 weeks and erased a lifetime of shared doubt and questions. This miracle of sluething and care by Joan Allan will never be forgotten and I thank her and this wonderful service for bringing me so much joy, it is imeasurable. For any reading this be assured that the miracle of finding someone after 32 years is probably the finest feeling in the world...and My Joan will help you ABSOLUTELY AMAZING she is without a doubt in my mind "An Angel". Thank you angel.
Forever in gratitude.
David Christian
Vancouver, Canada - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 00:59:57 (EDT)
![]() Found May 2000
June & Ernie SNOOK
Dear Joan
Thank you for finding my old friends June and Ernie Snook. We had a really good talk yesterday.
Yours sincerely
Rosalie Lampart
![]() Found May 2000
HUNTER family
Hi Joan,
Thanks so much for helping me. The Hunter's at the address in South Shields you gave me was the correct ones. Once again, thanks for your help.
![]() Found May 2000
Our thanks to Joan Allan who did an amazing job in locating our bridesmaid and best man of nearly 50 years ago - Valette, surprisingly, now lives within 30 miles of us. Great work Joan!! She also found our best man too!!
Stella & David Crump
![]() UK - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 01:54:23 (EDT)
![]() Found May 2000
Dorcas ARIYO
I just wanted to share my success story with you! Nine years ago I left the UK to marry and live in the US and I lost touch with a number of dear friends. Of course it's so much harder to find them across the Atlantic too! I had searched for my friend for that whole time and then I ran across a lady called Joan Allan who had seen a posting I put on a bulletin board and had gone ahead and found an address of a person that she thought it might be. I wrote a letter and a week later I received a phone call. It WAS the right person, and she was as thrilled as I was that I had found her and even said she had cried when she read the lengths I had gone to to find her. We are both married with babies and are really enjoying catching up by phone and e-mail! THANKS JOAN! Like I told you - you made my whole YEAR!
Wishing you all luck in your searches!
Naugatuck, CT USA - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 21:40:25 (EDT)
![]() Found May 2000
![]() I would like to say thank-you so much to Joan Allan for the short time she took in finding a friend who I had not seen or heard from for 35 years it was a very moving moment when we spoke on the phone, I'm so grateful to you Joan , I cannot believe the short time it took - just a few days thanks again
![]() Blenda Quinlan
Benfleet Essex, UK - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 15:07:14 (EDT)
![]() Found May 2000
John & Diane BOWEN
Dear Joan
Many, many thanks! They were the right couple and we have spoken over the 'phone.
Pam & Derek Haylings
![]() Found May 2000
Dawn and husband located for friend Monika.
Hi Joan
Thanks for your help. I FOUND HER!!! Actually I found her brother first who have me her phone number. Your info gave me the confidence to keep going. Thx again.
Monika Brandes :-)
![]() Found April 2000
Dear Joan,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding Joe, the name I called him by. I had also contacted someone at the Daily mail who also gave me a list of Cotterell's and there was one more addition showing on your list which so happened to be the right one. Sadly Joe had died a year previously, but I hope to met up with his widow Stella in the near future. Thank you once again for your interest and help.
Sincerely Bill Barnham
![]() Found April 2000
Bernard ALLEN
Dear Joan
Just a note to thank you so much for managing to find my friend, after 35 years, it's amazing!!
Thank you so much.
David Akintaro
![]() Found April 2000
WOOLF family
thank you Joan Allan for your help to find the family woolf. my mother was very happy to receive the address of her friends and that so fast! greetings evelyn
Evelyn Hager
Winterthur, CH - Thursday, June 08, 2000 at 03:53:41 (EDT)