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![]() Found 14 February 2002
Search posted on Missing You site 14 February 2002 - located same day
dear Joan, Thankyou for the EMail, I rang the nursing home and it is my
father!!! I cannot believe it really, he has had a stroke and his speech has
been affected so, I have spoken to the person in charge, she said I could
write. We, cannot thankyou enough!! After 20 years not seeing youre father,
but at least I know where he is now. Thankyou so much.. Jean and Martin.....
![]() Found 5 February 2002
Search posted on Missing You site 5 February 2002
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:02 AM
Juan Pablo Stott - Re: Missing You Message Reply -
Hello joan
its my dad!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how to thank you.
Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThankyouThank youThank youThank you
A very happy Dave.
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Missing You Message Reply - Juan Pablo Stott
Dear Dave
No Listings for a Juan Pablo Stott - had a brainwave and looked for an entry under the name Pablo and only one, living with an Andrea R Gibbons:
Juan Pablo Stott
Missing People : No regional info
Hello there I have been looking for my dad for quite some time if any body knows of his wherabouts i would like him to meet my wife & two children Becki Jake(2 1/2) and Ethan(10months) PS the pic of my dad is about ten years old!!!!!
Posted By: Dave Stott on Tuesday 5th February 2002
![]() Concluded 5 February 2002
Search not posted - Started 1 February 2002
Niece Judith found for Mrs Peacock in Bristol.
![]() Found 4 February 2002
Search posted on Missing You site 26 January 2002
Eileen Florence Dean
Sara searching for Eileen to enable Eileen to be reunited with her Grandfather, John Henry Martin and Sara's mother.
![]() Search Not Posted - Found 28 February 2002
Michael L Bjarkoy
dear Joan, thank you so much for helping me find my family, I made contact with Michael at the e-mail address you gave and he is my half brother, I am now able to connect with my mother how I have not seen for over forty years. This is a wonderful day for my sister and myself also for our children who have heard us talk of our longing to find our mother. Once again thank you for the time you took to follow through and get the information to me.
Fond regards
![]() Found 21 January 2002 via my column in Bristol Evening Post
Cecilia O'Hale in Omagh seeking adoptive sister Maura. Even though Cecilia didn't have her remarried name correct Maura's daughter contacted me to say she knew where her mum was and also she wanted to be in touch with her auntie Cecilia.
![]() Found January 2002
Searcher wrote to me - Found same day
Search for birth mother's sister out of touch for many years. Sister located and overjoyed to be reunited.
![]() Found 21 January 2002
Definite information 22 January 2002
Search posted on Missing You for mother Maria Christopher. I contacted Sylvia and within 24 hours she knew where her mother was. As of 2 February she met up with her sister who she hasn't seen in nearly 30 years. Sylvia and her brother Junior will be meeting their mother soon.
![]() Located December 2001
Search Posted 23 June 2000
Elyse searching for Roger
![]() Found December 2001
Birthmother, 2 brothers and a sister for Tony Reed
Kevin Donlan brother of Rita McBrien
Pauline Dole for her niece
![]() Found November 2001
Paternal grandmother had been searching for 31 years for her grandson. She had never met him, had no photographs and had only spoken to him the once when he was 7 years old. I traced him to Bristol and because of problems with Daniel it will take him time to accept that contact is desired. Contact by letter is the way forward at this moment in time.
![]() Found 28 November 2001
Father James Penny searching for daughter who was/is living with ex-wife. Clare located and hopefully father and daughter in touch.
![]() Located 22 November 2001
Search Posted 23 June 2000
Date of birth: 2 March 1980
Mother Sandra or Sandy Thomas was married to my uncle David Thomas (now deceased). They divorced when Morgan was around 2 yrs old. Morgan was born in Cornwall, Penzance or Truro and spent his early life on Tresco, Isles of Scilly. Last known location was Plymouth area. His father David Thomas was in the Navy, then became a Barman on Tresco, Isles of Scilly. His mother, Sandra Thomas could possibly have been a nurse.
![]() Found October 2001
Dear Joan
This is a quick note to let you know that we followed up the details which you so kindly e-mailed me. And with thanks to you my mother and her sister were re-united with their brother and his wife, Betty, whom they have not seen or heard from in over 40 years.
We cannot express how much we are grateful for your help. Both my mum and aunt and myself are eternally grateful.
Once again we are so very much grateful for your help.
Kind regards
![]() Found October 2001
John Joseph MCKEOGH
Dear Joan,
Really, really good news. With your help I'VE FOUND MY BROTHER, at the address you sent. I have relations in Brighton and they went in search of him. He was delighted to see them. I am over the moon, as is my Mum. I spoke with my brother last night and he's alive and well.
Joan, I'm eternally grateful to you and I will do all I can to promote your site.
Love and best wishes for the future.
God bless you
Sarah Ryan X
![]() Found October 2001
Gerald has black/brown hair which was thick and wavy, he has 'Love' tattooed on the fingers of his left hand and is approx. 5'5" height. In the 70's he lived in Belgrave Court or Savona House in Stewarts Road, Battersea, London SW8. Gerald has 2 brothers, one called Kevin who is approx 41 years old he also had 2 sisters. Gerald once lived with his father Kevin & one of his sisters at the above address. l am desperate to contact him as his daughter who is now 24 years old would dearly love to meet her dad as she hasn't seen him since she was 8 months old.
![]() Found October 2001
Valentine Lane
Dear Joan,
Many thanks for your e-mail! How did you manage to find TWO with the
same name - we thought our Dad was unique. The first joke we ever learned as children was our father saying "Thank God I wasn't born on Pancake Day!" We lived in Basingstoke when I was 15 so it looks as though that one might be him. I only hope he will be pleased (?) to hear from me, it's been 37 years now.
Carol Patterson
![]() Found October 2001
Dennis MACHIN - Estranged Father
Dear Joan
Thank you so very much I went over to where my father lives at the weekend. My father opened the door to me it was the first time I had seen him in over 29 years. We don't have long to get to know each other as unfortunately he has not got long to live so I am even more grateful to you for this chance to get to know him.
Best wishes to you
From Sharon
![]() Found September 2001
Leo B LEAROYD (father)
Vincent LEAROYD (brother)
thankyou so much i have found my family after 16 years and I'm seeing them on friday.
![]() Found September 2001
Search started 22 August 2001
Susan Barber
Many, many thanks for your help in finding my cousin, Susan Barber, whom I have not seen or heard from in 20 years. It was great to speak with her and to know that she is well and is happily married with 2 lovely daughters. My family and I are very grateful for your help. Again, many thanks.
Elaine and Family
![]() Found September 2001
Search Posted : 25 February 2001
Anthony Derek ADAMS
I am trying to trace my father Anthony Derek Adams, his last known address was 9 caponfield rd,welwyn garden city,hertfordshire in 1972 after this I cannot find any trace of him he would be about 60/62 years of age, he was last known to be living with a Barbara Lavin at the above address.I have not seen my father since my parents divorced when I was about seven I am the eldest child and I am 40 now. He was born in battersea where he lived in ingrave st,he had two sisters one i knew as joyce she was married to henry and they had two sons,the other sister was called pat and i think he may have had a brother. I have been looking for some time now all i want is the chance to meet my father and perhaps have one parent in my life and also to let him know that he has grandchildren as well.
Yours sincerely
Ann Starkey.
![]() Found September 2001
I am very pleased to tell you that, thanks to the information you sent me, I have been able to make contact with my brother, Alfie Green, again after more than twent five years. He, incidentally, has been trying for some time to contact me and other members of the family.
Many thanks once again.
Pat Hornsby
![]() Found August 2001
Hans (Harry) Klaveness
Well that was quick I have wasted lots of money on detective agency's and have drawn a blank can you phone me so I can talk to you. Our son has been wanting to make contact with Harry for a while now and we haven't been able to trace him.
Joan phoned the number she had for Harry only to find he died the previous year. His widow is happy to have contact with Denise and Corton (Harry and Denise's son).
![]() Found August 2001
Nigel & Daryl MORGAN
Because the couple of males being searched for on behalf of Charles Trott (been in Canada since 1951) were hard to trace I placed a message in my column for them. A neighbour of Daryl's happened to spot it and because Daryl was on holiday at the time saved it for him. Daryl contacted me and I gave him the contact details to get in touch with his uncle.
![]() Found August 2001
Theresa Harris for her brother Ian Cox
![]() Found 17 August 2001
Started 7 August 2001
Anthony YORK
Dear Joan
Just want to say a big thank you as you found my natural birth Father. We made contact for the first time in 32 years last night and are meeting on Sunday. Without your help it would have taken me ages if at all. You've made 2 people very happy and I thank you immensely.
Kind regards
Juliette Smith
![]() Found August 2001
Mother searching for son. John has responded to his mother after I sent his latest address to her.
![]() Found 2 July 2001
William Ronald George WHEELER
Searcher looking for father who hadn't been in touch for 30 years.
![]() Found July 2001
Istvan ELEK
Thanks for the list, the first one on the list has turned out to be my friends half brother and he is passing her address to their dad who is alive and well. Thanks, Maria on behalf of Nik
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Istvan Elek - my Dad, please contact the email address, last known living in Worthing, originally from Hungary, probably now in early 60's - I would really like to trace him...he has two grandsons
![]() ![]() Brian Hazel - Found July 2001 - contact made in less than a week
Dear Joan
well...we were able to get in touch with Brian and my daughters and he and I and all other family members are absolutely overwhelmed and very very happy..thank you so very much for that information.....lyn hazel
![]() Search for family
Dear Joan,
I have good news, I have traced my Father and at present I am sending loads of e-mails to my half brother in Canada, he is excited as I am.
A very large gap has been filled in my life and I am having to pinch myself in case it is all a dream. Thank you for your help, you are doing a wonderful job if the people you help are as happy as I am. I wish you luck in everything you do.
Thank you once again.
Kind regards,
Norman Butcher
![]() Found July 2001
Graham John MORFITT
Thanks a million!
![]() Located July 2001
Dear Joan.
I am gobsmacked at such fantastic response to my msge. The information was perfect and I found the right person straight away. I am indebted to you. Thank you so much for your prompt and correct response. I have passed on the information to my friend in the US and have spoken to both her sons. The rest is up to them.
With very best regards and thanks
Pippa Ellwood
![]() Found June 2001
Tarzie & Waldie ASHLEY
Judith Walker was searching for her uncles in the UK. The two above were located very quickly due to the unusual forenames.
![]() Found 4 May 2001
Search started 3 May 2001
Mary nee JOHNSON
Cousin Violetta Edwards searching for cousin Mary. Went to records office next day and found 2 possible marriages. Selected the one I thought it was and bingo we had her. Cousins reunited after over 20 years.
![]() Found May 2001
Carol (searching for her cousin) reunited with the Hunter family in South Shields.
![]() Found 18 April 2001
Search started 11 April 2001
Phil Shaw was searching for his father George in Cyprus and his half-brother Christos in the UK. I sent Phil the address for his half-brother and got a reply from Phil saying I was right in that it was his half-brother and Christos put him in touch with their father. They will be meeting up when George comes to the UK later this year.
![]() Found 9 April 2001
Jacqueline SCOTT
Gillian Baker was searching for her sister and family that have been out of touch with each other for a number of years.
![]() Found April 2001
Found - Estranged son and daughter in UK for Randy Gilbreath in Washington, USA.
![]() Found March 2001
Toby Vincent LAW
Hi Joan,
You'll never believe this but I've found him! Just half a dozen phone calls and there he was. We're meeting up on Bank Holiday monday. I can't believe my luck! I've waited 37 years for this!
Thanks for your help.
Peter Law
![]() Found 23 February 2001
Search started 13 February 2001
Sandra & Ken Baker
Aunt and Uncle in UK found for Robert Fraser in Canada. Sandra is Robert's only maternal relative. Mr and Mrs Baker were delighted to know that Robert was searching for them.
![]() Found 11 February 2001
CHIPLEN children
Dear Joan
Many thanks for your efforts it has been worthwhile in part at least. There has been no answer from the family but my daughter has made contact which is great news.
Thank you with all my heart.
Tony Chiplen
![]() Found February 2001
Garry and Phil STONEHOUSE
Dear Joan
You will be glad to know I have located my brothers. I received a letter dated 20 February 2001. Thanks for your help...I was lost doing searches.
Keith Stonehouse
![]() Found January 2001
Peter's father wrote:
Dear Joan
Thank you very much indeed for finding my son and his family for me. I am delighted and surprised that you found them so quickly - I have tried to find to find them many times without success.
Thank You
Best Wishes
Peter Harrison
![]() Found January 2001
Tineke Anne JACKSON
Dirk Piet Feitsma posted a message searching for relatives. As a result of him contacting Tineke he sent me this message:
Dear Joan Allan
A happy new year to you to and thank you VERY much!! I think you have helped me a lot in my family research. Great!
Dirk Feitsma, Zuidhorn/Netherlands
![]() Found in December 2000 before the message being placed:
Basil Owen - his son, ex-wife, nephew and wife.
![]() Found November 2000
Wendy's parents were searching for her and she could have been using any of the names above. Wendy's ex-husband was threatening to take their children to Australia and without the input of Wendy nothing could stop this happening. Peter, Wendy's father contacted me to say I had located the right address for her and Wendy and her children are now back in touch.
![]() Found 21 November 2000
Francesca Cresswell
Hi Joan, this is Carrie's boyfriend, I originally put the message on the axlbook site. And yes, her finding her sister was all down to you, and she is soooo happy. She has never met her in her life of 19 years and will be meeting her for the first time on thursday. She wants to wait a while before trying to contact her brother as she is still getting over the initial shock.
I think she may like to write a story about it one day when she gets everything in order. I had to find my natural mother after no contact for 12 years so I too can understand what a emotional time it will be for her. We were curious to know why you offer this service; did you have a long lost loved one?
Once again, thank-you for making my girlfriend happier than I've ever seen, we are forever in your debt, Kristyon, Carrie-Anne, not to mention Francesca and the rest of the family!!
![]() Found October 2000
Norman C Kemp
Sincere thanks to JOAN ALLAN and others for helping me establish contact with cousins from the Kemp family who were last heard of before the war. It gave my father great pleasure to meet them and exchange stories.
Colin Kemp
Colchester, UK - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 17:12:21 (EST)
![]() Found 27 September 2000
Hi, I'm only 15 but I found out I had a brother last year who was the son of my father. Unfortunately my father had passed away and so I had no way of getting further information on him to try and contact him.... I thought.
Then one day I wondered about the internet and thought I'd give it a go, I'm glad I did because after 6 months of having a message on the site a lady called Joan Allan emailed me with an address and phone number. I wrote a letter and within a week I had a reply. I HAD found the person I was looking for. As I read the letter through I discovered my brother did not want to know me or my sisters. I was dissapointed but understood why and that this may happen. At least now I know an address and a little about him all thanks to Joan who I am now still in contact with, so, thanks Joan I would probably still be searching if it wasn't for you!
liz thomas
WALES, UK - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 09:46:40 (EDT)
![]() Found 18 August 2000
HAYLOCK family
Many thanks to Joan who helped Esther from New Zealand find her blood relations (Haylocks) in England. Esther and her new found cousins are wholly delighted to find each other after many lost years. You have made a lot of people really happy - thankyou.
Patricia Ward and her cousin Esther
UK - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 07:07:25 (EDT)
![]() Found 8 August 2000
Adam Britten reunited with his father Anthony.
![]() Found 2 August 2000
Posted 30 July 2000
Dawn was searching for her father who had split with her mother before she was born so he was unaware of her. Dawn wrote to the address I sent her and he responded immediately. Dawn told me that she had asked the Salvation Army to help but they rejected her search because her mother and father were never married although they had children together.
![]() Found 2 August 2000 and talking within 2 days
Search started 31 July 2000
Just a big thanks to Joan Allan who helped me contact my father after 22 years. The last time I saw him I was 5 but we've both grown a bit since and are to build a relationship. Once again, many thanks to Joan from Matthew Hutton.
UK - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 04:53:32 (EDT)
![]() Found July 2000
Cheryl was looking for her Dad Leslie who she had just found out about. Within 24 hours of her placing a message I had located him and she had spoken with him. She has half brothers and sisters who can't wait to meet her.
![]() Found July 2000
Hello everyone. I would just like to say a big thankyou to Joan Allan for helping me to find my dad. If it hadn't been for her help I wouldn't have been able to visit him recently after 17 years of not seeing him. A very big thankyou and keep up the hard work.
lancashire, UK - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 13:28:47 (EDT)
![]() Found July 2000
Hi Joan
The good news is that I have spoken to Amelia, my cousin, and we have patched up some very old differences. Thank you so very much. Have fingers crossed for the search for Graham Stacey in Doncaster, will you let me know?
Esther Dore
![]() Found July 2000
Geoffrey OLSEN
steve olsen
thornaby, UK - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 06:11:44 (EDT)
![]() Found July 2000
Sebastiaan CHIVERS
Dear Joan,
My sister and I want to thank you very much for finding our brother Sebastiaan!!! We've been looking for him for a long time, but finally. after consulting your site and asking for your help we have found him.This means that my sister and I have got contact with our brother and we have seen him also. It took us 9 long years, and we wish that we knew about you along time ago! Thanks and lots of love
Wendy and Natasja Duerinck
Antwerp, Belgium - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 08:07:51 (EDT)
![]() Located July 2000
Thank you for the information, and yes, I was successful in contacting my cousin! They are still married and living together at the Hailsham address and I got a reply from them last week! Thank you again for your help, this has meant a great deal to me.
Andrea Pretli
Thanks to Joan I found a cousin of mine with whom I'd lost touch over 30 years ago after she moved to the South of England and I emigrated to Canada. Within about one week of contacting Joan, she was able to give me the full address and after writing to my cousin we are now back 'in touch' and catching up with each other's lives. This meant a great deal to me as my Mother and her sisters both have died in the past three years and I had no other way of finding out about my cousin! Thank you so much Joan!
![]() Found 29 June 2000 (took 4 days)
The biggest thankyou in the world to Joan Allan for helping me to search for a relative who had been missing for 60 years! My aunty hadn't had any contact with her brother since they were very young until a letter arrived from him, out of the blue, a couple of months ago. Unfortunately the letter did not include a contact address so she had no way of responding. She was desperate to find her brother but there seemed to be little chance of locating him as we had very little information to go on. I posted a message on the 'Missing-You' site in the hope that somebody somewhere may have some information. As a result I was contacted by Joan and I can't thank her enough for the help and support she has given us! Joan provided possible addresses and phone numbers and was there every step of the way to offer encouragement and advice. One of the addresses Joan came up with didn't have a phone number so my aunty, desperate to follow up any possible leads, went to the address in person with her husband. Understandably she was very nervous and decided to wait in the car while her husband went up to the house. As soon as the front door was opened she knew she had found her brother! They are delighted to have been reunited and are enjoying catching up on the many years they have spent apart! Thankyou again to Joan and good luck to anyone else searching for missing relatives and friends!
Sarah xxx
Sarah James
![]() Found 27 June 2000
Started 21 June 2000
Myra, Mattie & Trevor EVANS
![]() I had lost track of my Grandfather's Welsh relatives during my twenties, and they had lost track of me. I always assumed that my grandparents had their address and that I could easily contact them, but after my grandparents passed away my sister and I could not find any address that worked. We had misplaced our relatives, and I felt a terrible sense of loss. When I told people I was looking for relatives named Evans in Wales, they just laughed at me; they said the name was so common that I could shout it out on every corner and eight out of ten people would answer.
![]() I always thought that there must be some way of locating them and kept trying with no result. After twenty years, my sister found an old address book that had a street address in Wales that I was sure was a correct one. Rather than write to it, I wanted immediate gratification after looking for so long. I asked Joan to check on it for me. She actually found someone to go knock on the door, and less than a week later, I was talking on the phone with my "lost" cousin Myra and catching up on over 25 years of family history. We are planning visits back and forth, and my sister and I are very excited! And I LOVE immediate gratification.
Patricia Pennell
Grand Rapids, Mi USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 11:24:22 (EDT)
![]() Found 16 June 2000
Started 13 June 2000
Robert L JONES
Melanie Rossiter asked me to find her father. I located him within 3 days and they spoke on the telephone. Mel found her grandparents lived next door to her dad. She and her dad met on 24 June 2000.
![]() Would like to thank Joan Allan , who has done a lot to try and find Bernard A. Savage for me. Thank you Joan.
![]() Murray Storrings <>
MR, BC Canada - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 00:11:19 (EDT)
![]() ![]() Found 8 June 2000 (took 24 hours)
Phillip John BAILEY
![]() THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!! As I am writing this my father is sat in my kitchen!!! what's so amazing about that i hear you ask? well, i haven't seen him for over 20 years!!! YES twenty years, Joan you are a star!!! if it wasn't for you that would't of been possible. After literally 24 hours after asking Joan for help BINGO, i called her and that day then i was reunited with my father, I also have two half sisters, and he is a grandad for the very first time! keep up the good work Joan!! if this can happen for me,(and i had little faith that i would find him at all) it could happen for you. that's all i wanted to say. cheers TracyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
![]() Tracy Fulstow
![]() Found 7 June 2000
this is a great big thanks to joan sister in law had being trying to trace her birth father for 13years but drew a total blank, after 20 minutes joan managed to find his current address. what a star. at the moment joan is well on form tracing my husbands birth mum with help from debbie wilson. hopefully we have nearly found her. will keep you posted on latest news. never give up. call joan or debbie but be in for a shock as they'll amaze you. thankyou debbie and joan keep up the good work norma.
norma wilde
scarborough, UK - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 11:37:49 (EDT)
![]() Found 1 June 2000
John SMART (Partner's estranged Father)
I would like to first of all thank Joan Allan for helping me in my search and making my search a success story in 3 days time. She was my guardian angel in my search and after a couple of emails and 3 days she had the person I had been searching for. THANK YOU JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!! You have made a such an impression in my life.
Kimberly Mullins
MI USA - Thursday, June 01, 2000
![]() Found 22 May 2000
Wendy J BROMLEY (maiden name)
Jeremy, aged 35,was searching for his natural mother who had placed him into foster care when he was about 3 years old. I managed to trace Wendy and found that she had married Jeremy's natural father and he had 2 brothers. Wendy was overjoyed to have him back in her life. His brother have now accepted him and they all get on great.
![]() ![]() Found 18 May 2000
Hiya. my name is Crisanne, and my husband Karl had never met his father, and about a month ago thanx to Joan Allan we got in contact with him she found him and his family for us and all she asked for was her telephone bill reimbursed. So if you guys wanna find someone you know Joan is the woman you need to speak to!! good luck ya'll!! love crisanne X
![]() gibraltar June 18, 2000 at 19:04:21 (EDT)
![]() Search Posted 16 May 2000
Thomas O'BRIEN
I am looking for my dad Thomas O'Brien. Thomas will be in his early fifties. He was married to my mum Catherine Kavanagh in May 1969, she left my dad in approx 1973. I have not seen him since then. Thomas lived in Orangehill Road, N.London in the early Eighties. I was born in September 1971.
![]() Found 12 May 2000
Olwen REED
Dear Joan,
Thank you for this old, and still 'living at' address that I lost. She is an old family member lost by divorce. I am a single parent with two teenagers. I was looking for family members, I felt I knew the web well and search engines but I had no luck finding family. This service was provided free for me and I was happy to be contacted and given the opportunity to be united with family.
Deborah Roberts
Fairfield , IA USA
![]() ![]() Found 10 May 2000
Edward TATE
![]() I would like to thank Joan Allan for her valuable assistance in tracing my long lost uncle and my mother's dear brother who she had not seen for over twenty five years and would recommend anyone to contact her if needing any help. Many thanks Joan.
![]() John Linton
COVENTRY, UK - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 03:38:51 (EDT)
![]() ![]() Found 10 May 2000
Michael J JONES
Dear Joan
Thank you for your interest in finding my son, who I have not seen for 12 years. I wonder if it could be one of the two possibilities you have found. My son would now be 20 and I would have thought still living with his mother. I wonder if you would know if there is a M M Jones or Dobbs living at either address. Of course she may have remarried but the first two initials should give us a clue.
![]() Found May 2000
Joan Allan recently found a relative (my aunty) whom we were looking for and hadn't contacted for over 20years who lives in the uk.We put a notice on the net back in Feb this year and Joan picked up on the message in May and located her within about 3 days for us we thank you again Joan.Mandy & family
mandy lord
adelaide, s/a australia - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 08:57:48 (EDT)
![]() Located 5 May 2000
MUNDAY family
We would like to thank Joan Allan. My Mum and I had been searching for at least 12 months for my Grandfathers brothers and sisters, who he hadn't seen since he left for Australia in 1961. About 4 weeks ago Joan emailed to me a list of Munday's in the Southampton area. We found one name that we had been searching for and posted a letter, we couldn't believe it when two weeks later we had a reply and it was my grandfather's brother, it turns out they haven't seen or spoken to each other in 51 years. The joy this has brought to my grandparents and the rest of our family is beyond words.
Once again thank you to Joan for your help.
Regards, Fiona Cauchi (Munday) and Yvonne Munday
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 21:37:20 (EDT)
![]() ![]() Found May 2000
![]() Many thanks for your reply. I am now in touch with my cousins and they have put me in touch with Robert Dickie. This was all done with the help of people like you. I am so grateful for your response, and I can only say keep up the good work, as a lot of people do need help to find lost relatives/friends.
![]() Once again, thanks.
![]() Lesley Brown
![]() ![]() ![]() Found May 2000
Trevor Rickards was searching for his mother he hadn't seen for 39 years.
![]() ![]() Found May 2000
RIZZA Family
Barbera Rizza was looking for members of her family. I sent her a list and three people that she was looking for were on there - her father and 2 others.
![]() ![]() Found May 2000
Daniel & Benjamin SMITH
Chris Smith searching for sons.
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