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Allie's Reunion
![]() Found August 2001 - Search commenced June 2001
Birthmum and 4 sisters for adoptee Allison
Everything seems to be going great. Allie has sent me photographs of a night out with her 3 of her 4 sisters. Boy do they all look alike!!!
![]() ![]() Email received from Allie on 17 November 2001
Hi Joan
Just to let you know that the meeting with Ivy went well. There were a few pauses when neither of us quite knew what to say. She is just as quiet as I am, so I knew where she was coming from. I did take a camera but noone to take a photo of us together. I do intend to get a photo of us together at a future meeting. Yes, we definitely want to meet up again. I was really nervous about meeting her, I was flapping about during the morning, doing things just to stop me dwelling on it. Driving there, I took my time but I was shaking a little, and when she stepped out the car and walked towards me, I thought wow, this is it!!!
I was a bit worried about my (adoptive) mom. On Friday night when I'd left her house, she'd made a little comment which made me wonder. She'd said "As long as you don't come back and say you like her more than me". As if!! Anyway this morning I bumped into my (adoptive family) sister in the village and apparently she said the same thing to her. She obviously found the meeting to be a bit of a threat to her. Just before I got ready to go and meet Ivy, the phone rang and it was mom wishing me luck and that she loved me. I told her that she'd got nothing to worry about. I think I got through to her!
So, back to the meeting. I got there on time, and about 5 minutes later Ivy arrived. Laura was in the back of the car and I could see her trying to have a look at me in the car. I had to smile at that! The first thing Ivy said to me when I got out of my car was "God, you don't half look like Emma". The meal was nice, and the surroundings were good. it wasn't packed, very comfortable. After we'd eaten, we got another drink and sat somewhere else. We'd both brought photos and I'd printed some photos of me over the years for her to keep. She told me the reason that she had to give me up was because she was on her own, my father didn't want to know, and she felt she wouldn't have been able to cope with a baby. As for who my father was, she said she couldn't even remember what he looked like let alone tell me his name, afterall 31 years is a long time. So, I guess I'll
never know who he was.
We parted at about 3.34 pm. We waited in my car for her partner to arrive to pick Ivy up. We hugged when it was time to part. We will be arranging another meeting soon, we should be a lot more comfortable next time.
When I got back, there was a message from my sister Jenny, who has invited me
(and Mal) for a fellow sisters reunion. That is something we will have to sort out soon. I do want to meet them all, hopefully before Christmas. We shall wait and see!! I'll keep you informed about that one.
Well, that's my update for now. Hope to catch up with you soon. Take care and speak soon.
Love Allie :o)