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Kathleen and her Sons
![]() February 2001
![]() L to R:
Adoptive parents Bob & Joan Smith, Chris Smith, Kathleen -birthmum to Chris.
Photo taken 10 February 2001 - first meeting after 40 years.
Kathleen and Chris both wrote to the Cilla show and the show didn't pick up on a match - their loss, my gain!!
Kathleen Coleman, reunited and/or aware of each other 2 adopted children and 2 fostered children after 40 years. First reunion with youngest (adopted) son Chris (after 40 years apart) took place within 3 days. Chris met his sister Janet on 14 February and on 25 February spent time with Janet, her daughter and their family members.
The other adopted son, Stephen made contact with me on 19 February and on 24 February he decided he would like to meet with his birthmother on 2 March. This happened as a result of me placing a message in my column in the Bristol Evening Post. Later his 2 children will be introduced to her. Kath has found she has 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. At this point I would like to sincerely thank the two adoptive parent families for their support in helping their "child" be reunited with their birthmother. Without their help and support this could not have happened.
Unfortunately the other son (fostered) has shown little interest in being in touch with his family.